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Faculty Spotlight: Andrew Oullette

 by Aaron Sizemore

alt="music lessons andrew oullette"

What's your main instrument?

My main instrument is piano. I grew up playing piano while trying a few other instruments (clarinet, sax, guitar) too. Piano was the only one that stuck for me. I like that you can imitate all the different instruments and sounds of an entire orchestra by yourself on just one instrument.

What's your musical origin story? What lit the spark for you?

My parents listened to a lot of classical and musical theater, I think that influenced my musical tastes early on. I had a fantastic teacher throughout high school who really kept me inspired and determined to improve.

Can you share a good gig story?

Two years ago I played at the Prairie Village Jazz Festival with Adam Larson. It was the first and only time I've played a gig while being actively rained on the entire time. The keys were completely soaked and my hands were sliding all over the place!

Tell us about your practice routine and share some practice tips.

These days I do a lot of practicing away from the piano. I'm always trying to figure out the music I'm hearing or interested in listening to at the time. I want to have a concept of the notes that doesn't rely on me having to actually play the note on the piano to know what it sounds like. I've also really focused on rhythm in the past few years. I have a pieced together drum set in my basement and I've really been having a blast trying to get some drum skills going. I think every musician should be able to play some drums, it (obviously) helps your sense of rhythm tremendously!

What drew you to the Music House team?

I played a wedding gig with Pat Adams (former MH teacher) and Andy Launder (former MH teacher and program manager). I think we just got to talking and they mentioned that they needed another piano teacher at Music House. I was looking to get into teaching regularly at the time and I had heard good things from other people I knew who had worked at Music House at one point or another.

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Written by Aaron Sizemore
Aaron Sizemore
Co-founder & Executive Director at Music House