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Faculty Spotlight: Jacob Gregg

 by Aaron Sizemore

alt="music lessons jacob gregg"

What's your main instrument?

Piano because it's versatile and works well for composition

What's your musical origin story? What lit the spark for you?

I have always loved music, it continues to surprise and excite me every day!

Can you share a good gig story?

Most of my gig memories consist of missing cues, continuing to play when the song is meant to be over, etc. (all good learning experiences!). Live performance has taught me a lot about accepting mistakes and learning to live in the moment!

Tell us about your practice routine and share some practice tips.

Just try to show up and put something toward being a little bit better every day. Give yourself small, achievable goals that will lead you toward achieving the larger ones!

What drew you to the Music House team?

The fact that it's a great community of talented musicians!

Free eBook - Get started in music with over 20 pages of helpful tips

Written by Aaron Sizemore
Aaron Sizemore
Co-founder & Executive Director at Music House