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"Eighty °" Radiates Music

 by Aaron Sizemore

Eighty ° - Hannah Van Haste, Evan Weidemann, Philip Moore, Christian Ganheart, Francis Charles, Cherry Huang, & Aiden Livingston

As the big Fall Music Fest approaches. We'll be featuring as many of the performing bands as possible. Ladies and gentlemen, Eighty °...

So you call yourselves "Eighty °". How did you land on that name?

Hannah Van Haste: It was Aiden's idea. We were running out of time, it was 80 degrees outside, and that's what we went with.

What is the best part of being in a band?

Hannah: You get to work with others.

Phillip Moore: Same. I'm not by myself. I'm playing music with others, which is way better.

Aiden Livingston: The music!

Francis Charles: Doing crazy fills and stuff.

Cherry Huang: You get to listen to others play and improve your own playing.

What are some of your band goals?

Hannah: Being more confident.

Phillip: Get better at listening to others and staying consistent with time.

Christian Ganheart: Just generally getting better at playing.

Aiden: Learn more songs.

Francis: To enter and WIN the battle of the bands!

What is your most memorable band experience?

Hannah: The first day, introductions, playing numb little bug!

Phillip: When we wrote our own original song.

Cherry: Getting to know everyone and playing for the first time.

If you got to open for any band or artist, current or defunct, who would it be?

Hannah: Lin Manuel Miranda.

Phillip: Metallica.

Christian: Eminem.

Aiden: Overrated.

Francis: Imagine Dragons.

Cherry: Linsey Sterling.

What advice would you give to students that are just getting started?

Hannah: Keep practicing.

Phillip: Dont give up! Follow your dreams and they will come true, and if they don't... "womp womp".

Christian: Practice, listen, and check the Music House Dashboard!

Aiden: Play music, even when not told to.

Francis: Practice makes perfect. If you practice, you get better.

Cherry: For new students, make sure you practice correctly and listen to the people around you.

What do you guys do that's special – that you think sets you apart from all the Music House bands?

Hannah: We have a uke!

Christian: We have 4 string instruments.

Aiden: Our name is cool and very unique.

Francis: Were better!

Cherry: Everyone plays at least 2 instruments

How has playing with other people benefited you?

Hannah: It has made me more comfortable playing with others.

Phillip: It makes playing the drums more fun.

Christian: Having another guitar player keeps me on track.

Aiden: It makes my instrument sound better.

Francis: It makes my playing more exciting.

Cherry: It motivates me to play my best.

Be sure to join us at our LENEXA location on Sunday, Oct. 6 from 2:00 to 6:30 for this year's Fall Music Fest. It's going to be a big party featuring lots of amazing people!


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Written by Aaron Sizemore
Aaron Sizemore
Co-founder & Executive Director at Music House