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Getting to Know "Priory of Sion"

 by Autumn Huerter

"Priory of Sion" is a band of 4 awesome musicians. They are David, Brady, Arun, and Sutton. 

priority of sion

In this post, we have their answers to our interview questions. 

"Priory of Sion" might sound familiar to some of you. See why below…

How did your band come up with that name? Tell us the story.

  • David: I got it from the Da Vinci Code.

(the Da Vinci Code is an excellent movie and book)

How long have you been playing your instrument?

  • David: 6 years
  • Brady: 2 years
  • Arun: 4 years
  • Sutton: "I've been plucking my vocal chords for 4 years."

("plucking my vocal chords" is a great answer for any band singer that's asked this question) 

If you could magically convince one famous musician, living or dead, to join your band, who would it be?

  • David: Randy Rhoads
  • Brady: Cliff Burton
  • Sutton: Amelia Tan and Jimmy Urine
  • Arun: Trey Williams

Why is it so important for a musician to perform and collaborate with other musicians (as opposed to always just practicing alone)?

  • David: I think there are 3 reasons. 1-your not arrogant. 2- you understand music so much more. 3-it's fun!!!!!!!!!

What is something you've learned from another musician in your band?

  • David: We have to know our parts, and we have to trust each other to do them

Describe the most excellent, memorable moment you've ever had with your band.

  • Everyone: We all went to the SlipKnot concert together.

What do you guys do that's special – that you think sets you apart from all the Music House bands?

  • Arun: We are the Metal Band!!!!!!!

Imagine one of your friends takes private lessons somewhere (not at Music House). They tell you that they love music and wish they were as good as you, but they're getting bored with lessons and might quit. What advice would you give them?

  • David: Join Music House. They work with you and let you play the music you want. What you can't play, they guide you through it. Never Quit!!!!!

(We appreciate David's kind endorsement!) 

"Priory of Sion" is THE Metal Band that you don't want to miss at this upcoming Battle of the Bands. The trust between these four musicians is tight, and their performance should be tight as well. 

Meet Priory of Sion at our Fall Music Fest on 10/27/19

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Written by Autumn Huerter
Autumn Huerter
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