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Music Lessons Lead to Award-Winning Performances

 by Aaron Sizemore
Announcing the Teen Studio "Music House Idol" Winners:

But first, some of you might be wondering what Teen Studio is. It's a monthly Music House club where high school aged students work on performance, auditioning, and recital skills. During the months of October and November, however, we added a little friendly competition to the mix. As usual, the students performed, auditioned and recited they did, but this time they (along with the faculty) rated each other. The turnout was huge, so the competition was fierce.

And the winners are...

McKenna Sneed and Rachel Brake!

We'll be inviting both of them to perform at the next big Friday Night Concert on February 6th, so be sure to come out and support these talented young musicians.


Rachel Brake
Rachel Brake

Teen Studio is just one of the many clubs Music House offers to it's students. Why? Because music is the most social of art forms. Music lessons only "stick" when students manage to get connected with something larger than themselves.

Click here to find out more about how Music House connects students.

Written by Aaron Sizemore
Aaron Sizemore
Co-founder & Executive Director at Music House