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Senior Send-off: Julian Hoskins

 by Aaron Sizemore

Voice & guitar student Julian Hoskins

Now here's a young man with diverse interests; among them, guitar, piano, voice, and... cooking. Culinary artist and musician, Julian Hoskins, has been a student here at Music House for many years. We've witnessed many cool Julian moments, but a particularly memorable highlight for us was his performance with his band at last Fall's outdoor music fest. He really commanded the stage. We're going to miss you, Julian.

"Julian is such a smart and curious student," says Julian's voice teacher, Andrew Sanders. "He always asks some of the best questions and writes very thoughtful and creative originals for his band. I am glad he found his love in the Culinary Arts and still wants to continue in music. I know I will be one of the first ones at his Taco Truck when he opens it!"

Here's what Julian had to say when we interviewed him recently.

What instrument do you play?

I sing, play guitar and play a little bit of piano.

How long have you been a student at Music House?

One year in second grade, and 3 years since high school.

What are your post-graduation plans?

I will be going into Culinary Arts. I plan to open a taco truck pretty soon.

How do you think music will be a part of your life after Music House?

I'm still gonna be taking lessons at Music House. I plan to continue getting better and I still need my weekly band therapy session.

What is a moment at Music House that you'll never forget?

My first band performance. They put me in the back and I was reading off my lyric sheet and playing synth. It was a lot of fun and I'll never forget it. Another one is my very first Grand Showcase when I was in second grade. I felt like the coolest kid at school, and had to make sure everyone knew it.

What advice do you have for Music House students who are just starting to learn to sing?

You won't be the worst person to mess up on stage at any of your performances.

What's the best piece of musical advice you've received?

From my voice teacher, Andrew Sanders, it was, "Sing pretty in any style." And from my guitar teacher, Josh Johnson, it was, "Don't give up on bar chords, they can be your friend."

What do you hope to remember most about your best performance at Music House?

The look of satisfaction from my parents when my band did covers of Cake's "I Will Survive" and 311's "Amber."

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Written by Aaron Sizemore
Aaron Sizemore
Co-founder & Executive Director at Music House