Band Spotlight: Set in Stone

Music House student bands are frighteningly good. In fact, some of them are indistinguishable from professional bands. Come hear Set in Stone at their next concert on April 27th at our Overland Park location and you'll see what we mean. We recently sat down to interview these talented, hard-working students and here's what they had to say.
How did your band come up with that name? Tell the story.
Caleb Cloud: Calvin and I were talking about band names and I mentioned "Set in Stone" and we both liked it. Calvin Albert: Yep. We were just throwing around band names and I said, "Well, it's not set in stone...wait! That should be our name!". |
What is the best part of being in a band?
Caleb Cloud: Playing together! Calvin: Hanging out with my bandmates! Caleb Armistead: Playing guitar with the band! Olive Cory: The first day we play without the [accompaniment] track and it sounds really funny. Bailey Fox: Getting to listen to music! |
What are some of your band goals?
Caleb Armistead: Create an original. Caleb Coud: Master a song to the best of our abilities. Calvin: Find a song that we can all agree on. Olive: Master a really hard Foo Fighters song. Bailey: Do better at practicing as a band and stay on track while rehearsing. |
What is your most memorable band experience?
Everyone: Our first Grand Showcase! |
If you got to open for any band or artist, current or defunct, who would it be?
Olive: Tai Verdes. Bailey: Taylor Swift. Clavin: The Clash. Caleb Armistead: Bon Jovi. Caleb Cloud: Nirvana. |
What advice would you give to students that are just getting started?
Calvin: Don't stand there and act like it is a chore, have fun! Caleb Cloud: Don't get too nervous for the Grand Showcases. No one notices if you mess up. Caleb Armistead: Have fun! Olive: Try hard! Bailey: Stay on task. |
What do you guys do that's special – that you think sets you apart from all the Music House bands?
Caleb Cloud: We have one of every instrument. Caleb Armistead: We're the only band named "Set in Stone". Calvin: We are diverse. Olive: That we have an amazing band teacher! (editors note: That's Kay Pritchard and she is, in fact, amazing. So are the rest of our band teachers.) Bailey: We all get along so well. |
How has playing with other people benefited you?
Caleb Cloud: Being selfless. Caleb Armistead: Working as a team. Calvin: Learning patience. Olive: It's really fun to work with other people that you only rehearse with once a week. Bailey: You learn how to deal with other personalities. |
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