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Band Spotlight: The Firestarters

 by Aaron Sizemore
Aarush Singh, Brendan Cowan, Lily Al Hamamsy, Benjamin Nigro, Asher Freeman, & Neal Lei

Music House has approximately 20 student bands, all of whom are learning, growing, & having transformative experiences every week. Case in point: The Firestarters. Come hear them at their next concert on April 27th at our Overland Park location to experience the amazingness that this can lead to. We recently sat down to interview these talented, hard-working students, and here's what they had to say.

How did your band come up with that name? Tell the story.

Brendan Cowan: It's from the Billy Joel song "We Didn't Start the Fire'. What if we did?

What is the best part of being in a band?

Lily Al Hamamsy: Meeting new people.

Benjamin Nigro: Comradery.

Aarush Singh: Getting to play new songs.

Brendan: Getting to play songs with other people.

Asher Freeman: Being able to play with other people.

Neal Lei: Just being in a band. Period.

What are some of your band goals?

Lily: To get better.

Brendan: Get training on how to be in a real band someday that gets paid.

What is your most memorable band experience?

Everyone: We're really into Fabreze and our mascot, the stuffed animal bunny! We also enjoy playing baseball together. (editor's note: It's a long story.)

If you got to open for any band or artist, current or defunct, who would it be?

Brendan: Foo Fighters.

Neal: Metallica.

Asher: My dad's band from college.

Benjamin: Kiss.

Aarush Cloud: Linkin Park.

What advice would you give to students that are just getting started?

Neal: Be a team player.

Asher: Be respectful of your bandmates and equipment.

Brendan: Don't be a showoff. Just be a team player.

Benjamin: It might seem frustrating at first, but keep practicing.

What do you guys do that's special – that you think sets you apart from all the Music House bands?

Neal: We're very talkative.

Asher & Lily: We know how to be us.

How has playing with other people benefited you?

Asher: I've gotten more comfortable on stage and playing with other people.

Benjamin: I've gotten good advice from other guitar players.

Brendan: It can be very humbling, but that's a good thing.

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Written by Aaron Sizemore
Aaron Sizemore
Co-founder & Executive Director at Music House