musical journey

Featured Music House Band: Get the Axe
Alex Kaemmer (gtr), Killian O'Brien (drms), Kaleigh Carpenter (gtr), Kaela Amundson (vcls), George Beatty(gtr), Ryan Whelan (bss) Music House student bands are frighteningly good. In fa...

Featured Music House Band: 8 Directions
This week's featured band, 8 Directions, has chemistry. Despite wide-ranging musical influences (or maybe because of that) all eight of them just click. And the happy result has been good music, friendship, and a whole lotta learning. Come hear them perform in our Overland Park auditorium at the Grand Showcase this weekend

Featured Music House Band: Warning Label
This week's featured band, Warning Label, rehearses weekly at our Overland Park location and is comprised of hard-working musicians with diverse tastes. But all that diversity has evolved into something unified and truly original. It's been an exciting process to witness. Read what they have to say below.

Featured Music House Band: The Underestimated Yeti Project
Lily O'Donnel (kybrd), Tyler Bauman (drms & prcssn), Stella Malinowski (gtr), Rylan Cobos (drms & prcssn), Paige Toon(vcls), Ethan Yuwono (gtr), Caden Crosby (bss) Music House studen...

Neon Black: Always Growing, Always Changing, Always Good
Neon Black - Alex Jashinski (vcls,kybd, sax), Cade Forrest (gtr), Leo Ruhnke (drms), Scott McCreight (bss) With the big Music House Fall Carnival around the corner (this Sunday), ...

The Music House Jazz Ensemble: Keepin' the Music Alive
Nathan Dunkerley (kybd), Alex Jashinski (alto sax), Jack Starke (tenor sax), Will Kersting (trmpt), Zach Opoka (bss) As the big Music House Fall Carnival approaches. We'll be featuring ...

Funky, Happy, Sad, Mad: The Many Sides of Space Jam
Space Jam - Katy Baumgartel (vcls), Jay Babcock (drms), Kaden Counts (bss), Nick Brown (gtr), Indika Gunananda (kbrd) As the big Music House Fall Carnival approaches. We'll be fea...

The Amazing "Study Session" - A Band That's Done Its Homework
Study Session - Ryan Toon (gtr, kybd), Bobby Clark (gtr), Kendra Lee (vcls), Cullen Minster (bss), Matt Koeppen (gtr), Ethan Newman (drms) As the big Music House Fall Carnival app...

Bed Soul: Harmony + Angst = Good Music
Bed Soul - Drayson Ridley (gtr, vcls), Nathan Cottrell (gtr, bss), Daniel McCrary (drms), Wyatt Benteman (gtr), Erin White (not shown) (vcls) As the big Music House Fall Carnival ...

Control Alternative Delete: Diverse Tastes and... Puppies
Control Alternative Delete - Dalton DeVoe (gtr), Emma Price (gtr), Lauren Moreland (vcls), Nathan Hewitt (gtr), Alex McCreight (not shown) (drms) As the big Music House Fall Carnival&n...

The Wicks: Grooving All Over the Place
The Wicks - Killian O'Brien (gtr), Kaitlyn Jashinski (vcls), Sean Brucker (drms), Audrey Renner (gtr), Ethan Rankin (gtr) As the big Music House Fall Carnival approaches. We'll be...

Ladies & Gentlemen, The Estros
The Estros - Madeline Wilson (kys), Anna Levine (gtr), Leah Schmalz (vcls), Catherine Ferrell (drms), Emersen MacKenzie (bass), Reese Smith (gtr) As the big Music House Fall Carnival ap...