music classes online

6 Ways You Can Overcome Plateaus In Your Musical Training
Whether you have been a musician for a year or have been practicing for over a decade, everyone is bound to hit that dreaded ‘wall’ at some point. In fact, you may even face that wall several time...

A Short History on How the Modern Guitar Got Its Shape
The guitar is arguably one of the iconic instruments, serving as a staple in modern music. Across all genres, from rock to country and yes, even some hip-hop, you will undoubtedly hear a guitar on...

10 Singing Tips for Boosting Your Vocal Training
Are you looking to get the most out of your voice lessons? Check out these great 10 tips for improving your pipes right away!

It’s the Best Time to Take Online Music Lessons
Did you know that taking online music lessons can help in more ways than just social distancing? Learn more here on our latest blog!

Songwriting: Practice Makes Permanent
Mastering the art of songwriting is not an overnight magic. It's a time-bound series of casting spells before it becomes this magical seamless craft. For instance, Taylor Swift has been writing so...