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private music lessons near me

5 Indicators That You Could Benefit From a Vocal Coach

Creative individuals who enjoy singing often do so as a form of self-expression.  Since almost everyone has a voice at birth, we often fail to recognize the real benefits that we can receive ...

At What Age Should Children Start Taking Music Classes?

With all the benefits of music for children, the real question for many parents is, what age should my children begin taking music classes? That is a great question, and we want to talk about a few things you might consider when thinking about your children and music. 

6 Key Steps to Follow In Order to Have a Successful Band Rehearsal

When taking music lessons in Kansas City, you may very well end up joining a band! To learn more about how to have a successful rehearsal, click to visit our blog.

7 Ideas to Help Your Music Student Stay Motivated Throughout the Summer

Summer camps, private music lessons, and setting goals can help students stay motivated during the summer. Click to read more on our blog!

6 Important Reasons Why You Should Enroll Your Child Into Music Camp This Summer

Summer is right around the corner and many parents are searching for fun yet educational outlets for their children during this time. While there are likely many great options out there, if you ha...

6 Essential Tips to Help Your Child Before for a Music Competition

Spring is here and any music student knows what that means: music competitions. Students of all age groups are gearing up to compete in league, regional, and even state competitions for both chora...

6 Reasons Why You Should Play Music in a Group Setting

After you’ve started getting the hang of your chosen instrument, you might be wondering what the next step is. Music is very diverse and there are many different paths it can take you down. Playin...

Struggling to Stay Motivated with Practice? 8 Helpful Tips You Need to Check Out

When you are taking music lessons in Kansas City, one of the first things your instructor will tell you is that practicing at home is extremely important. After all, these lessons are only just a ...

Want to Write Memorable Music? 6 Songwriting Tips You Have to Check Out

One of the biggest goals and aspirations for many musicians is to write their own music. Obviously, this is something great to look forward to, but there are times that it might feel a bit intimid...

5 Tips for Choosing the Best Instrument for You

If you or your child are just starting out on your musical journey, the first place you should start is by picking out which instrument to play. This is an exciting moment, as there are so many di...

4 Ideas to Help Music Students Make the Most of Their Summer Break

Summer is finally here which means it’s time for a multitude of activities perfect for the kids – camping and hiking at the local lake, hosting backyard BBQs and sleepovers, and of course, taking...

5 Ways That Learning Music Can Improve Your Mental Health

May is a month that brings about many things, including Mother’s Day, graduations, and of course, the onslaught of warmer weather. However, did you know that May is actually National Mental Health...